Our Mission

The cost of living and doing business in California is already high and it’s about to go even higher.

Sacramento’s policies, especially those related to energy, climate and environmental mandates, are taking a toll on residents and businesses in the Golden State. The cost of living in California is out-of-control, harming the economy and disproportionately impacting those who can least afford it.

“Over 5.1 million Californians already live in poverty, far more than any other state in the country.”

Affordability Watch California was created to hold California’s elected and appointed officials accountable. Voters continue to make it clear that the cost of living is the number one issue facing the state. So far, state leaders have offered a lot of lip service, but few real, meaningful reforms as costs for everything from housing to electricity to food to insurance and gasoline continue to skyrocket.

Join us as we explore the state’s ever worsening affordability crisis and look for balanced solutions to out of control cost increases.